How to Incorporate Exercises and Activities into Your Life

In addition to helping you maintain your overall health and well-being, low-impact exercises can help you stay positive and energetic for longer. However, since we already discussed the many benefits of staying active throughout your life in a previous post, we’d like to take this opportunity to discuss how you can incorporate low-impact exercises and mentally stimulating activities into your life.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best low-impact exercises and mentally stimulating activities for seniors and discuss how you can easily incorporate these into your life.

What Are Some Low-Impact Exercises You Can Do?

Low-impact exercises are those that don’t put a lot of strain on the joints and are easier to do than high-impact activities. Some examples of low-impact exercises for seniors include:

1. Walking

Walking is a great, low-impact exercise for many people just like you. It’s easy to do and can be done indoors or outdoors. Walking helps to strengthen the muscles in the legs and can also help to improve balance. If walking for exercise is new for you, starting with short walks and slowly lengthening your walks over time is best. For best results, wear comfortable and supportive shoes when walking.

2. Water Aerobics

Water aerobics is another low-impact exercise that is great if you enjoy being in the water. Usually performed in a pool, water aerobics involves using the resistance of the water to improve strength and cardiovascular health. Water aerobics can also improve flexibility and range of motion. Plus, the buoyancy of the water helps to support the body and reduce the strain on the joints, which is particularly helpful if you suffer from arthritis or inflammation.

3. Yoga

According to Great Senior Living, Yoga is a gentle exercise that is great for seniors. It helps to improve flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination. Yoga also promotes relaxation and stress relief. You can start with basic yoga poses and gradually increase the difficulty level as you become more comfortable with the practice. Finding a qualified yoga instructor with experience working with seniors is essential.

4. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle form of martial arts that is great for people of all ages, including seniors. It involves slow and controlled movements that help to improve balance, strength, and flexibility. Tai Chi also helps to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Like when you begin any new physical activity, start with basic Tai Chi movements and gradually increase the difficulty as you go along. Finding a qualified Tai Chi instructor with experience working with seniors is essential for the best results.

5. Strength Training

Strength training is another excellent, low-impact exercise for seniors. It helps to improve muscle strength, bone density, and overall physical fitness. Seniors can use free weights, resistance bands, or machines for strength training exercises. Start with light weights or resistance, slowly increasing the intensity as your muscles become stronger. Since staying safe is a top priority, work with a qualified instructor to ensure proper form and technique while you learn.

5 Mentally Stimulating Activities You Can Do

In addition to physical exercise, you’ll also want to engage in mentally stimulating activities to keep your brain sharp and active. Some examples of mentally stimulating activities for seniors include:

1. Reading

Reading is an excellent way for you to keep your mind active. It helps to improve vocabulary, language skills, and critical thinking. Read books, newspapers, magazines, or anything that interests you. It’s all great!

2. Playing Games

Playing games is another great way for you to stay mentally stimulated. Games like chess, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and Scrabble require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. For increased social interaction and mental stimulation, consider playing board or card games with friends or family a few times a week.

3. Learning a New Skill

A great way to challenge yourself mentally is to learn a new skill like knitting, painting, or even a new language. You can even take classes or workshops to learn new skills or explore online resources to learn at your own pace.

4. Volunteering

As you probably already know, when you volunteer your time and skills to help others in need, you can reap the benefit of all the positive emotions that go with knowing you did something kind for another person. That’s one reason why volunteering is an excellent way to stay mentally stimulated while giving back to your community. In addition to promoting social interaction, volunteering can improve self-esteem and well-being. Consider volunteering at a local school, hospital, animal shelter, or other non-profit organization.

5. Traveling

Traveling is another excellent way you can stay mentally stimulated. It provides opportunities to learn about new cultures, explore new places, and meet new people. Whether you travel with friends or family members, join a travel group, or explore independently, traveling can help improve your physical fitness and promote a healthier life.

Low-impact exercises and mentally stimulating activities are among the best ways to remain healthy and stimulated. These activities help to promote physical fitness, mental acuity, and social interaction. As always, consult with your healthcare provider prior to beginning any exercise program, and work with qualified instructors to ensure proper form and technique with each new activity.

For more information about active living for seniors or to discuss our services for yourself or a loved one, call or stop by Companion Healthcare anytime. We’d love to meet you!