Geriatric Care Managers and What They Do: A Closer Look

Trained to help older adults and their families, geriatric care managers know how to navigate the often-complex challenges associated with getting appropriate medical care, assistance with day-to-day activities, managing medications, and much more. These managers often also help hire and supervise caregivers and help seniors make financial and legal decisions as necessary.

What Does a Geriatric Care Manager Do?

Helping seniors and their families manage the challenges of aging is the primary role of a geriatric care manager. Often a nurse or social worker specializing in senior healthcare acts as the geriatric care manager and can help to identify needs as well as to provide a broad range of services, including:

  • Coordinating care by helping older adults and their families navigate the healthcare system and coordinate care with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
  • Advocating for older adults, ensuring they receive high-quality care and that their wishes and preferences are respected.
  • Helping older adults manage their finances, including paying bills, investments, and filing taxes.
  • Providing guidance on housing options, including assisted living and nursing homes.
  • Assisting older adults and their families with navigating the end-of-life process, including hospice care and funeral arrangements.

Geriatric care managers can also serve as a source of emotional support for older adults and their families. They can provide guidance and reassurance during times of uncertainty and can help families navigate difficult decisions and emotions.

Why do older adults and their families use geriatric care managers?

Geriatric care managers can provide many benefits to older adults and their families. Some of the reasons you may want to consider a senior care manager include the following:

Increased Communication

Geriatric care managers can serve as a liaison between older adults and their healthcare providers, ensuring that everyone is up-to-date on medical needs and is on the same page.

Improved Care

Geriatric care managers can help older adults access the care they need and ensure their needs are met, leading to better health outcomes and improved quality of life.

Decreased Stress

Geriatric care managers can support older adults and their families during challenging times, reducing stress and promoting peace of mind.

Increased Independence

Geriatric care managers can help older adults access the services they need to remain independent, such as home health care or transportation services.

Cost Savings

Geriatric care managers can help older adults and their families save money by identifying cost-effective healthcare options and avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations and treatments.

How do you find a geriatric care manager?

There are several ways to find a geriatric care manager.

  • Contact your primary healthcare provider for recommendations
  • Search online
  • Reach out to an experienced senior healthcare provider

When searching for a geriatric care manager, it is crucial to look for someone who has experience working with older adults and who is knowledgeable about the challenges of aging. Choosing someone you feel comfortable working with and who is willing to listen to your needs and preferences is also important.

What should you expect from a geriatric care manager?

When you work with a geriatric care manager, you should expect high professionalism and expertise. Geriatric care managers are trained to provide compassionate, individualized care to older adults and their families, which may include:

  • A comprehensive assessment or a thorough evaluation considering physical, emotional, and social factors that can impact your health and well-being.
  • A personalized care plan that addresses your needs and preferences.
  • Ongoing support and guidance as you navigate the challenges of aging.
  • Excellent communication to ensure that everyone involved in your care is up-to-date on your needs and preferences and is working together to provide you with the best possible care.
  • Advocacy to ensure your needs and wishes are respected.

If you or your loved one are in need of senior healthcare services, consider working with Companion Healthcare. With our expertise and compassion, we can help you navigate this often-difficult time and find the support and resources you need. Call us today. We’re here to help!